Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hey dont worry about the news because none of that hit in my area where I am so its not a big deal, but its still really sad because it happened during Christmas time and that so many people died and who knows how many of those were members. So anyways with the news I am NOT TRANSFERRING:) So I will be with Elder Hopkins longer than any other companions I have had. I will actually do a setup call with you guys before I actually call you. So that you guys can for sure be ready for when Elder Thompson calls you. I did receive my Christmas package it was so cool. I love it it had so many good things in it. I loved it its amazing especially the journal and the banner you sent were awesome.
     So unto the great stuff that we were able to experience this week. So last week we are happy to be able to say that our area is really progressing especially the investigators that we have with baptismal dates. They are all really progressing they all attend church, read the assignments that they are given by us. They pray too and its so good to see how they are progressing. One thing is that stinks though is that one of our investigators that has a baptismal date may be moving back to the province so that really stinks but we are going to send a referral to the missionaries out there if she does go back. We had our ward christmas party it was so stinking awesome it totally beat our ward parties by a mile. I do miss our parties, but I really do think that it kicked our ward's butt. They asked two of our elders to perform so we had elder butler and hopkins go because me and the other zl have no musical talents. It was cool but we had to leave early because it went past 9 and well thats the time that we have to be home. Really this week we went to investigators and taught some lessons this week because our new focus in our mission is bring back less-actives to church because it says that 8 out of 10 investigators that are baptized in the Philippines go inactive so they really want us to focus on the lessons after baptism and all the goals they must do such as receiving the Priesthood and going to the temple. So yea thats what we will be doing for now on so you will be hearing alot about less actives as well as investigators. I have 5 people set for baptism on the 14th of January and 1 set for the date of Feb 3rd so I will have a very good transfer this transfer if all goes thru. So I will be needing those prayers definitly now more than ever.

    Well anyways that has been my week in a nutshell. I love you guys and pray for you guys every night. I love this work here I love the people here they are totally replacing anyone in our neighborhood .
       MAHAL KITA,
         Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Monday, December 12, 2011

i think this is a jeepney???
  Well well well this week has been such a good week this week I just don't know where to start. I went on splits 3 times this week like I said I went with Elder Butler twice this week. Elder Butler is the other ZL's companion and he is way good. Hes only one transfer ahead of me and he is way good at speaking Tagalog. We have had good times together because in just in these 2 transfers we have gone on splits together 8 times its been so fun having Zone Leader companions is really weird because they do alot and you don't realize it until you are one or you companion is one. We got some really good pictures with investigators in his area and in my area. I also got to go with Elder Cabuenas hes the only Filipino elder in our zone other than the sisters hes the only Filipino. He goes home in Feb so he doesn't have much longer left. He's a way good missionary and he is such a stud. Well we have transfer day on the 22nd of Dec so I'm not and I'm looking forward to that. Elder Hopkins is such a great companion he helps alot with my teaching and the language, he always makes sure that I lead in the lessons, and the tracting.

       So this week was such an awesome week I don't even know where to start. Well this week alone we gave out about 5 baptismal dates this week and what makes it even better is that they all took their dates its so awesome. So we first gave it to an investigator named Billy who we actually found through our recent convert family the Corrales family. He is so cool hes 17 years old and was actually taught by missionaries before, but one day they just stopped coming one day, but we gave him the date of Jan 14th and he accepted. He's such a istig investigator he always has questions, and always keeps our commitments. He has been so fun to teach and we are continuing to have him progress through the gospel. We also have another 3 investigators named Donna, Venos, and Madeth. The funny story about this is that Donna is actually the elder's quorum president's daughter and was never interested in us teaching her when I was with Elder Burgan, but the first day i was with Elder Jiminea they came and listened to us and have been progressing ever since then. They are all friends that have been wanted to be taught after the other we first taught Donna, then her friend Venos was interested and wanted to listen to us and then Madeth got interested and just last Fri we gave them all baptismal dates on the 14th of January as well just like Billy. Finally there is Mimi an investigator that I found through one of the members. I was on exchanges that day, but its been 2 weeks since then. So we have taught her the whole first lesson and she loved it. She is a little shy, because if you know anything about the Philippines is that every girl thinks any white boy or American is guapo(handsome), so with two of them makes it a little bit more. She has been progressing so much though and when I was on exchanges with Elder Cabuenas, Elder Hopkins gave her a date also on the 14th of January so if all goes as planned we will have 5 baptisms on the 14th. Its way exciting. We had the awesome opportunity also to go to temple tour on Thursday of last week, we brought the Corrales, Clemente, Venos, Madeth, and Billy (Donna wasn't able to go), plus our Elder's Quorum President to it. It was such a good experience and you could totally see the Spirit work with everyone that was there. If you could rely on anything to convert people its so definitely the temple. I loved it and the Spirit I felt as I was there. This Wed I actually am hosting along with my zone at the temple so I will be able to see Elder Burgan again WAHOO!!!. I also got to see Elder Stallings and McDonald there it was good to see them and the progression that they are having. I have lots of progressing investigators so my area is definitely looking up.

  So that was my week in a nutshell. Enjoy this Christmas season and always remember is not about how much you receive its about how much you can give. Always remember and that the greatest gift of all is the Savior's atoning sacrifice for us all. Also just to say it I have eaten many cool things, but this week we ate at the Corrales family after a lesson and I was able to eat sardines YUMMY!!!!:) and calamaries, its not the salmon eggs that you would eat in America its tiny squid that taste so freaking good I cant tell you how good they are. I also have had dried fish and its so good here that I think it even beats the fish back home. But I'm not entirely sure about that. I love you guys and enjoy the Christmas weather, because its starting to get hot here. So yea enjoy that.

  Mahal ko kayo,

       Elder Jordan Thompson

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hey family and friends from the beautiful city of Quezon City, Philippines. Everything here is amazing and I loving it still. Well things have been going a little differently here this week has been quite a kick in the butt.  We got punted alot this week it was tough this week, but today on P-Day  I was able to attend the temple and that is always a good thing. Back to the good old work on Wed or tomorrow. I have received things from friends and ward members and its awesome to see how much support that a ward gives to its missionaries out in the field. I love it, its always good to receive things from friends, family and members. I really appreciate the things I receive it always makes my day when I receive things like that. So I will be taking alot more pictures this week, because I'm pretty sure Tanner and Christiaan have a bunch of pics so I need to step up with that. I'm really sorry its just that I don't like to take pics cause i might look like a tourist and I might get mugged. Hhahahahaah but I will definitely still try to take more pictures. So no cool stories this week except that we really went tracting last week and we were able to go to new areas in my area. O wait there is a story so we were going to have a baptism on Saturday, but that fell through. RecAnn wasn't able to be baptized on Sat because the day before she was to be baptized her Dad all of a sudden decided not to let her be baptized at all so that really really stunk, but we still have gone to her and we are going to try to teach the family and see what that does. Other than that i have really been tracting to find new investigators, we found one through a member, she lives right above his house and they are really good friends. She has been really receptive of our message and just on the 2nd time we visited her she prayed to know that what we were teaching her was true. The Spirit was totally there and how did we know that because one there was no doubt in my mind that it was there and second she started crying and that was so powerful. We gave out a baptismal date to one of our investigators and he accepted and he will be baptized on Jan 14th 2012 I'm hoping to be in this area for that time, but I'm pretty sure ill transfer to where I don't know MINDORO???(hopefully). So yea I loving the work here tomorrow I get to go on splits again with Elder Butler, hes the other Zl's companion and is the only one in the house that is from the last transfer that was with me so that will be fun. By the way there is an Elder Davis in my mission in fact hes my DL in the other district in my zone. Its really cool to know that there is people in my area that know people that I know its ridiculous. The people here are so stinking awesome its ridiculous, but I will definitely be sending you guys some photos soon sorry again on that. I love my zone everyone gets along well its way cool. MAHAL KO KAYO!!!!

 Elder Thompson

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bro Corralez Baptism Day

Manila Temple

Jordan and companion Elder Jiminea
 Yo yo yo hey hows it goin my pamilya? Everything here in the beautiful land of the Philippines is amazing and so is the work. The cool thing is that we have a baptism again this Saturday I'm so excited!!! The baptismal candidate is a investigator named RecAnn Gopo she is only 11 years old, but that does not matter to me its a another person that I was able to bring to Christ and also she has such a great story behind her that's exactly why I'm happy that she is being baptized. When I first met her Elder Burgan had only been teaching her only a week. She has a whole family that is member, but its not her own family, when she will be baptized she will be the only member in her family. Her aunt is the person that referred her to the missionaries. The thing that was hard for was the fact that her family haven't been supportive of her being baptized. Her mom and dad are very different they make the kids do all the work around the house and it was really hard for her to get permission to be baptized, but through many prayers from the missionaries and most definitely her aunts family she got permission. When we found out we were so stoked, so we set up her interview with the other ZL in our ward. We later found out she had been drinking coffee!!! We freaked out, but now its been 4 weeks without her drinking coffee and this Saturday she is being baptized by her uncle. I'm so excited like I said before. So yea also we have been doing alot of tracting and I have to say its very hard to tract in my area. Its way hard to understand what some of the people are saying, but really I just try and my companion is really helpful he really works me, by really making sure that I lead in the lessons and that I lead in the tracting (most of the time)hahaha!! I really do miss Elder Burgan, but Elder Hopkins is really doing a good job of replacing him. Well I need to know if the money on my debit card is for me or my mission just wondering? If you could tell me I would definitely appreciate it. What else hmm I will try to get those thank you cards to them soon, but i really have been busy especially with everything that has happened this week. Anyways I love my area the area is really growing and we have alot of less actives coming back to church too so I'm really happy with the work. I love my zone they are all way cool we all get along very well and everyone is istig(cool). I miss you guys alot, but I don't miss home I have already made a decision that I will hand wash clothes for now on, because it washes them so much better than a washer. I miss you guys and wish you all the best love you all!!! ELDER THOMPSON

 P.S Funny story I found out here is the Ewoks from Star Wars actually the language they speak is actually Tagalog so when I get home I will understand what they are saying HAHA!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hey family hows the good old state of AZ it sounds like Christmas is already in the air and that's weird because its also here in the Philippines. Yea they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here which is a bummer, but my zone is actually going to do something we are going to go to Chilis which is like walking distance from our house, so we are all going to go there. I'm so excited for this week I have MTC exchanges again on Wed and I will actually have my own batch of missionaries I can take.I have a new companion, Elder Jiminea all of a sudden just decided that he had to go home, I don't know what it was for, but I know that it didn't happen when I was with him. President actually called me and talked to me about it. So I'm OK though I knew I would have challenges, but I have learned to face them. I actually think I got rewarded for it , because my new companion is awesome. His name is Elder Hopkins, hes from Oregon and is a way good missionary. He has really helped me alot here already. He makes sure that I lead in the lessons, and he really follows the training manual to a T. Its awesome to have had 3 really cool companions already and I'm only in my second transfer. I counted in my 4 months on my mission I have already had 7 companions its ridiculous. I have heard from any of my district back at the MTC, but I'm hoping they are doing OK. So anyways I'm having the time of my life, I have actually been able to find a couple of new investigators, and we have been focusing on less actives coming back to church. One story, me and Elder Hopkins have been visiting a less active that has not been to church for 6 years and just last Sunday we had stake conference and we were actually able to get her and bring her to conference it was such a good experience. She had such a good time, and actually President DeLaMare spoke at conference and it was such a good talk. He spoke on how if you have friends that aren't members talk to them about the gospel, and have the missionaries come with you. The ward we have is so very supportive so you can imagine the work that happens in my area and the other ZL's area. I have so many things that I can be thankful for as well. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to serve the Lord on a mission for 2 years in the Philippines. The greatest mission any person can go. I know that's what everyone says , but its the truth. Wherever you get sent is the greatest place you can go I love it here and there is no other place I would rather be then here. I'm thankful for awesome companions and an awesome zone that are so good in all they do. I'm thankful for the friends that I have made here and I'm really excited for the future that /i will have with working with them. I love my mission president and the example that he sets for all of us and the responsibility he has for all of us. Most of all I'm thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ and his Atonement, I'm thankful for Joesph Smith and his example he set and I know he brought the Book of Mormon to earth and restored this gospel to the earth. Holy cow is everyone in my family getting married geez its ridiculous I swear just yesterday I was playing in Grandmas trampoline with them and now this HOLY COWWWW!!! I can already tell Kortney and Addy (maybe) will be married before I get home I can see it. I can already tell that you guys are praying for me and I know that the Lord has blessed me daily because of it. I love you guys and good luck in all you guys do. Don't get discouraged from the little things that happen in your life because I know that they are there for to make you a better person. So always remember that and everything else will be alright. I love you guys and all the love you show to me.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hey family well looks like you all have been very busy especially my friends wow. Its really cool Andrew is going to South Africa and Taylor to Tacoma Washington they are both going to have such great experiences. Well yes we did have a date for Brother Corralez and on last Saturday I was able to baptize him and that was our first completed family so im way excited. We also have some more with baptismal dates a 11 year old girl, named RecAnn she will be the only member in her family, but her aunt and uncle are very supportive and she comes to church every week the only thing she had trouble with was drinking coffee, but that didnt stop her and today she has gone 2 weeks now without coffee. Her date is the 3rd of December so thats going to be way cool. We also have a baptismal date with another family, the Clemente family. This family is very special to me. They are a part member family and they have gone thru so much to do the things they have done. They have financial problems that have been keeping them from coming, but thats not all last week they had to evacuate thier house because it was flooded yes it rains alot here so it tends to do that to houses. They have had so many things happen to them, but yet they still keep our commitments and this last week they came to church both the mom and the dad. The dad has a date of Dec 10th, he is still giving up cigarretes, but everytime we come we make sure its going down everyday he smoked a pack a day so we challenged him to give up 3 a day and he has done it so we are hoping he will be able to go the whole way. So yea thats whats been going on we have had success in finding new investigators this week alone we found 6 new investigators it was awesome. Speaking of which new things have happened. I have a new companion, Elder Jiminea he is a Filipino and has been out as long as Elder Burgan so he goes home in March. I can already tell that we will get along so well, before I was companions with him I met him at Zone Confrence and he actually was companions with Elder Brown in my district for a little bit. So yea he came to my area and Elder Burgan went to the Morong zone and is actually training a new Filipino missionary. He actually found out that he was training the day before transfer day hahahaah his face was priceless. So anyways yep our zone went thru some changes we got new ZL's, DL's, and some other missionaries of all our zone last tranfer pnly 4 of us plus the sisters did not transfer. So yea its going to be an awesome zone already I can tell. I did get the Halloween letter and it totally made my day it was so cool to see what all my cousins had to say it was again istig. So yea Ethan make sure to keep pushing yourself its the best thing you can do and all try to be the best you can be its will be tough, but the harder you work the harder it will be to surrender to anything. That is so cool you got to give a talk in church be ready for that. Its great to be able to do that. NG like I have said it is hot here, but when it rains its amazing so ngayon its nice and humid wahoo!! Funny thing you know Sis Amundsen in our stake? There is a missionary in my ward that actually was companions with her son Aaron in the Angeles mission it was way funny. I knew he was there so it was funny to find out. Addy yea yea you get to go to Six Flags, but lets just remember here im in the Phili[[ines so yea cant touch this. Mom I dont have the yucks anymore they have gone on to other places so I have been working hard and will continue to do so. Dad good luck in your testing I will pray for you and I know you will do well. I love you all and miss you all dearly Mahal ko kayo!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WAHOO!!!! Happy day family great is the work and great is the all the Spirit that we feel as we teach. Wow congrats Dad on passing your exam that is such a great thing to know that you passed and that all those blessings did come from people praying for you and the intense study that you did over all these years. Sorry I didn't respond on Mon it was my P-Day on Wed or Today because its transfer day. Yea its already transfer day I have already been in the Philippines for 6 weeks it feels so weird. It feels like just yesterday I got here. Classic costumes guys WOW!!! Just kidding anyways Mom that's way cool that you are getting involved in the work it really is a great impact that members have on investigators. I can honestly say that when we have a member present the lesson runs so much better than without one. So its transfer week and guess whose transferring MY COMPANION!!! Hes transferring along with our other ZL and all the 4 Filipinos except for one so we are getting new DL's and ZL's its crazy!! I'm hoping for a Filipino companion, but whoever I get ill be satisfied. I'm sad that Elder Burgan is leaving he has been a great help in so many ways I cant explain. Its what the Lord wants though so I'm now to sad about it. I bought a journal for missionaries to write in so I'm good on that. Sorry that I haven't sent any pics, but I will soon I promise. The language its tough, but I'm enduring I'm learning so much though. So wow so many people are getting married its crazy and tell Jackson congrats that's way cool, I'm glad that they were married in the temple its the greatest thing they possibly could  do. So yea the life here is so fun oh answer to NG's tanong(question) yes Noah its hot here, but you don't worry about that because what you really want to focus on is the work. Ed good luck in wrestling it is tough, but remember that you want to be the best and only the best work the best so always remember that and you will do fine OH AND WEAR THE HEADGEAR DON'T GET CAULI EAR!!!!! Addyson good luck on your midterm I will pray for you like I have been Dad. Mom I will write in my next email the thank you letters for them so I will make sure to remember that. Dad I love you and all the work that you have done for me and our family. Oh one quick thing we went on exchanges with missionaries from the MTC in Manila. They don't just train missionaries in the Philippines me and Elder Burgan got 3 missionaries going to India from India it was way cool to see how big their testimonies were. One of the companionships in our district got two missionaries from Thailand and one from Laos so I totally thought of you and I told them that you spoke Laotian and that you have been to Thailand they were way impressed. Other than that that's what my life has been like this week I love you guys and pray for you daily. You will hear back from me on Mon so see ya

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dear family hey everybody the Arizona heat sounds pleasant NOT!!! So mother I have one request for you mission president has asked every missionary in our mission to have their facebook accounts turned off for the time that they are in the field. I know this is a pain I'm having to get you but it is what my mission president has asked us to do.  Sweetness for Andrew and Taylor I was wondering about Taylor for a lil bit and was wondering when I would hear from him and when he got his papers done. Ethan is not being aggressive?????? That's the funniest thing that I have heard since hearing that in the Philippines they celebrate both Halloween and the Day of Souls as they call it. Yes but please forward some pictures of BIG ED!!! Good work Ed and now is the time that you prepare for another battle WRESTLING have fun it will change you as a person I know it has changed me. Not just that but always read the Book of Mormon every day, BUT THIS IS NOT JUST TO ETHAN, you all I encourage to read and partake of the blessings that come from it. Also I think it would really help not just with unity, but read and pray for Dad so that he has that encouraging spirit. 
        So ngayon down to business, this week has been very hard I have been working hard and I have had many challenges in my way, but the one thing I learned this week is you cannot forget to pray to your Heavenly Father. I also encourage you guys to pray every night and day to have the blessings of the Spirit with you daily. It will make everything a whole lot better. I'm in Quezon City South the area that I live in is Tatalon. I really wouldn't mind anything other than candy if it was possible some Wings Express hot wings, but I don't know if you can, but if you can that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for encouraging everyone to write me I have received something from Uncle Mike but no friends yet but I feel that they will come soon. I have tried to write those thank yous, but I really do not have any time to since the missionary schedule is so freaking packed but I will try my best to to get them to you. I wish Dad the best of luck in all of his endeavors this will be tough but I know you can do it Dad you will be in my daily prayers. I wish you all the best I love you all. ELDER THOMPSON

Monday, October 24, 2011

Elder Thompson, Elder Burgan and Ward Mission Leaders in front of the Manilla Temple
Hey world hows it going hhahaahaha. So yea everything over here is going so well except for the fact that I have the yucks. I don't have diarrhea which is great, I have a lot of headaches and I'm so tired all the time and I feel really sick when I'm not doing anything which is like never. I just feel really sick all the time and I don't know what it is. I don't think its worm because I haven't lost alot of weight and I haven't been drinking the water I drink bottled water.  So yea I have been able to do 2 sessions at the temple already and it was way awesome.I did not get to hear from Elder Holland, but I did hear from Elder Callister from the Presidency of the Seventy it was a way good fireside he talked about how everything is central to the doctrine of Christ. He used a diagram of the steeple of the Salt Lake Temple and used it as a relation of all the doctrine built on our cornerstone who is Jesus Christ. We have 2 people committed to baptism one is a 12 year old girl named Rickanne who comes to church every week and she come with her grandparents because her family isn't interested or as I have heard. The other is Brother Corralez he has not smoked a cigarette in over 2 weeks so we decided that he was ready and that will mean we will have the completed family that we have been striving for so long to convert. We do have some new investigators Sis Aiza, Sis Nilda, and Henry Gopo. Sister Aiza has committed to baptism and we are very excited for her . Sister Nilda has not committed yet, but we know she can be converted. We just met Henry Gopo he is 18 and seems very interested. So other than that is my day in a nutshell we mostly like to go to less actives to bring them back to church. So that is really cool how well Ed is doing in football I knew he would be good as always. I hope you do as well in wrestling as you do in football. NG keep your head up and always set an example to your friends and be the best friend you can too all of your friends. Addy if you do go to BYU you will definitely get married if you go there, but remember I'm getting married first hahhahaahah jk. I received you guys letters and it totally made my day today i loved every single one of them. Mom don't worry about me I'm fine I love it here even though I have got sick I can get through it. Dad good luck in all your schooling and I'm really hoping to meet nurse Scott Thompson when I get home. I love you guys and miss you all. Mahal Ko Kayo!!!!

 Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jordan baptized the younger boy!!

 The rag is for the humidity!!!!

New toy????

Found a kitten along the street!!
Dear Pamilya, 

       Hey family everything over here is going so well, I couldn't have asked for a better area to get called to first than the Quezon City South area. Its awesome the work is really starting to look up in our ward and area. In our area, our ward works in with another area which is covered by the other ZL's area. My companion is the other ZL. Our goals for both the South and the North Quezon City missions we want to have 500 completed families by the end of this year. We have 280 so far so we are really hoping to get that number up very quickly. In our area alone me and Elder Burgan have a potential 6 completed families. Yesterday we actually went to a referral from the Elder's Quorum president and we met this lady named Isa and just as we were about to start she brought in two friends of hers who both have families of their own, and they all wanted us to come back to teach more. Isa seems like one of those gold investigators so we are really hoping and praying. So yea about the baptism it was the greatest I was able to baptize Joshua Adona Corralez and Elder Burgan baptized his mother. The father has a big desire to be baptized, but he actually relapsed last week with his smoking problem, but he is really trying and we know he will be baptized before we get transferred. Funny thing happened though when I baptized him I forgot to tell him to plug his nose so yea you can figure out the rest, but everything went amazing and they are so happy they were baptized. Just like you said Dad with good things come the discouraging things. We have one part member family were the dad isn't a member and has a smoking problem,but is really trying to give that up. The thing is they keep cancelling appointments with us so we never get to see them and that's very discouraging. I know that I have had these challenges for a reason and that the harder I work the more the Lord will bless me. One such example was, I actually was very sick (NOT HOMESICK) and I just did not feel like working, because we just got back from Church on Sunday and I was so tired, I felt like I was going to puke, and I had diarrhea bleh it was horrible. I took a lil rest during lunch just so I did not waste the more important time, and I realized and remembered something Gordon B. Hinckley said."If your tired go work, if your on your last breath you will be breathing while you work" and I said a little prayer to have the strength to work that day, and through that whole day I could not have had a better day teaching. Right now I'm taking ibuprofen and that anti-diarrhea stuff so I'm feeling alot better so don't worry about me I'm fine. My camera situation is over my companion had a charger that he doesn't use and has been letting me use it so that's really cool so expect alot of pictures soon. I love it here, I love the people, I love my mission its the place that I wouldn't rather be. I miss you guys and cant wait to hear back from you soon. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Well hey there yea everything here in the great humid country of the Philippines is so freaking awesome. Like I said I'm in the Quezon City South area it was just created last transfer. Everything here is awesome the people, the atmosphere, and THE FOOD oh the FOOD!!!! I can say that without a doubt the best food I have ever had except for your home cooking of course. So anyways yea I have a problem with my camera, my batteries died on the plane and I tried to charge them and for some reason they will not charge it is freaking dumb. So other than that I have had no problems thus far. I have had a very busy week, I was actually able this week to talk to a guy on the street while on splits with Elder Butler. His name was Edgar Santos he is a jeepney driver and  he has a wife and kids so we are definitely looking forward to start teaching him tomorrow. I also have a baptism this Saturday we are baptizing the Corralez family, this Saturday we baptize Sister Corralez and her son Joshua. Her husband has had some trouble giving up cigarettes, but we gave him a blessing and just yesterday we found out that he is resisting. We also had many of our investigators come to Conference, and feel the spirit that it brings in. My favorite talk would have to be Elder Richard G. Scott, even though I loved them all his hit me the most. I loved the quote that said "Whoso God loveth he correcteth". Its such a great quote and totally relates to our purpose as missionaries. I loved every single moment of conference and cant wait for the next sessions. Ethan good job, its good to see that your kicking butt out on the field that's way cool. NG, stop hurting yourself man GEEZ. You can give someone a heart attack in no time I swear. ADDSIN, lucky freakin duck I wish I could go to Six Flags, but that's OK cause I'm in the Philippines, so yea HAHA. Mom I love it here and the humidity isn't that bad , well that's what I've heard until the hot season. Dad I do use walking and public transportation a lot we don't use taxis though we use jeepneys and tricycles so its pretty freaking cool. No, I'm the only one from my old travel party I was the only new missionary put into my area. I do have natives living with me in fact I have 3 living with me and they are freakin hilarious. I love the food here I have already ate liver so yea that was pretty good. Other than that its pretty much everything happening now. Oh also washing clothes by hand is so much better than a machine. I miss you guys and encourage many to write me and I probably have had a couple of ward missionaries try to add me on FB. Miss you guys and have fun all of ya.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hey yea I'm definitely loving the life here already. It is so much more different than it is out in AZ for sure. I am in the Quezon City South area its an area that was actually just opened last transfer so its a new area. I love it none the less. I no only had a culture shock, but also the weather is so weird. One minute it will be nice and sunny then all of a sudden i will blast down rain its crazy. Its been awesome I went and taught a bunch of families my very first day!! I had taught at least 6 or 7 families that day WAHOO!!!! I'm definitely already used to the weather already. My companion is Elder Burgan hes from Australia and will leave in March . Hes way cool and he so freaking tall its crazy. I can see I'm already getting better at Tagalog even though I still suck but I'm  getting better. The people are so very friendly and hospitable, they are so the coolest. My ward helps us everyday when we go proselyting, youth in the ward help us when we teach I can already see that the area I'm in is a more reactivation area. The youth are really helpful is actually pretty cool to see how quick they are to help us out its so freaking cool. Just to tell you the bball player Tyler Haws is an AP and he is in my area. I haven't heard from my old companions yet so I hope they're doing well. I have 3 Filipinos living in our home so I definitely will be learning the language very quick. My mission president is so freaking awesome and I totally love it here. There is no other place I would rather be than here right now. I miss you guys and you will be hearing from me soon . MAHAL KITA!!!

      Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hey Kumusta po kayo pamilya? Hows everything in AZ probably getting alot better now that its gettting into October so yea thats something im looking forward too. I leave IN 4 DAYS WAHOOO!!! PHILIPPINES HERE I COME!!! Sobrang excited ko para sa ituro ng tao sa Philippines. I have almost  everything figured out here just need to just start packing now. Its a lil stressful though, because of the fact that we got new textbooks here that can definitely add a couple of pounds to my bag so im still debating what im goin to do with those. I do know right now that its not possible when I will know ill call you, but this I do know is that we will be calling you guys when I have my 4 hour layover in L.A. The time we arrive in L.A. is @ 9:00 so expect me too call at least right when I arrive at the airport. Im really excited to hear from you guys so plan on hear from me around that time. Since L.A has the same time as us I'm glad that I can know you will still be awake. So yea plan on having me call you from between 9:00 and 9:30. Other things I have been doin is now I'm telling my friends that I will only accept dearelder or handwritten letters since that I can only communicate with you guys from email. I know alot of guys are planning on still emailing thier girlfriends and other people, but today during a workshop( we actually have missionaries from the Distirct come teach us), and one of them used a quote from Jeffrey R. Holland that explains "The number one killer of the Spirit is disobedience" so unlike them I want to make sure that I am exactly focused on what really needs to be done. So yea the language has come along so well with me this week. I have been praying more frequently and I set alot of goals that I wanted to accomplish before leaving the MTC. One such goal was I wanted to have both my new progressive investigators to be commited to baptism before I leave. Yesterday I was able to finsh that goal and have my other investigator commit. Nothing felt more better than know not only you are bringing someone unto Christ, but you are also accomplishing a goal that was meant to be finished. Also yesterday was my last TRC and it was such an awesome lesson. We taught on how we can receive revelation by reading the Aklat ni Mormon. It was such a very good lesson and we were all able to feel the Spirit as we taught. So yea now all our days here at the MTC are goin to be spent packing and getting the necessary materials needed to leave here very soon. My P-Day is tomorrrow since in field orientation took over that, so expect another letter from me tomorrow. All day I will be  packing so I'll remember your advice and think before I pack. I love you guys and I cant wait to hear from you tomorrow or before I leave. MAHAL KITA PAMILYA!!!!  

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hey Kumusta po kayo pamilya? I'm doin so amazing everything here is cool. So yesterday we got our TRAVEL PLANS WAHOO!!!! We leave the 27th @ 4:30 in the afternoon so yea that is very exciting. So this past week at our devotional we were able to here from a Apostle again so yea that was way cool. We were able to hear from Elder M. Russell Ballard and he talked to us about missionary work and what we need to focus on as we our out in the mission field. He talked almost exactly about what Elder Jeffrey R. Holland talked about and thier words have stuck with me since I have been able to hear them. I love this opportunity to be here at the MTC and be able to actually enjoy everything that is great about it. So this past week I have been able to teach some new investigators since we finished with our first investigator one of our teachers, Brother Mansfield, we decided to have him become a new investigator so that we can still teach him its very exciting. We already have him reading the Book of Mormon, and praying to know of its truthfulness. Our other investigator, Roy, our teacher Brother Nuttall, has been just as willling as our other investigator, but still has some problems with being baptized. He is assured that the Book of Mormon is true and prayer. He just has problems with his parents being part of the Catholic faith. Other than that its a blast teaching him he is so receptive of our message I'm really hoping to have him baptized before we leave the MTC. I have actually made that one of my goals here at the MTC, but with not just me, but our entire companionship. We actually had one of our old teachers, Sister Sorenson, who was actually our first investigator while here at the MTC, want to let us teach her again as an investigator so that is also something im looking forward too. TRC has also been such a great impact on my outlook to teaching the people of the Philippines so I'm very excited. I did get the package by the way and i am very happy that you sent me it. I have actually just received a letter from the Nansels so that totally made my day.  I actually recieved a letter from Brenden as well so yea that made my day as well. He talked about how the Lord sends angels to comfort us and he described me as one of his angels disguised as his best friend that totally made my day. Im so glad for the friends that I have and the love they have shown to me for going on a mission. I also want to know if each one of you could just send me each a letter telling me how everything is goin in your lives, but if not that doesnt matter. I jus want to know how everything is goin in the world of AZ and all that good stuff. I love each one of you and the love that you have shown for me on my mission. Alam ko po na totoo po ang ebanghelyo ni JesuCristo at Simbahan ni JesuCristo ng mga Banal sa mga Huling Araw. Alam ko po na totoo propeta po si Thomas S. Monson at Joseph Smith. Alam ko po na nagpakita ang Diyos at si JesuCristo kay Joseph Smith at sa pamamagitan ni Joseph Smith ipinanumbalik ng Diyos ang Kanyang Ebanghelyo. Alam ko po na totoo ang Aklat ni Mormon at Biblia. Nagpapasalamat po ko para sa opportunidad na magmissyon at ituro ng tao sa Philippines. Nagpapasalamat po ko ang pamilya at kaibigan sa buhay. Nagpapasalamat po ang plano ang Pagababayad-Sala ni JesuCristo at pagsisisi at plano ng Kaligayahan. Sa panagalin ni JesuCristo. Amen! Mahal kita and miss you guys tons hope to hear from you all soon.
                       MAHAL KITA!!!,
                           Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hey Kumusta po kayo pamilya? Everything over here is amazing as always. So these past 2 weeks have been an special time for me I can already see it. These last 2 weeks I have been having such great success in my doings such as personal study time, language study, and teaching my progressive investigators. I set a goal to finish Doctrine and Covenants by the time that I leave the MTC, and right now I am in section 112 so I have been able to strive to work on my goal. Another goal that I set was too each day work more on the things that I have been struggling with in the language that week. Both these goals have been inspiring to me and I can already see a change in my personal study and in my speaking of the language. Me and my companions get along so well is a definitly a blessing that I have seen in my life, because in some of the other districts we have some companions that do not get along and its so sad to see that and know that the Spirit has definitly left that room. Anyways so yea I love the fact that we get along way better than most others do in other districts, but that really doesnt matter. I especially love my teachers and the time that they put in with helping us understand our language and our purposes as missionaries. We have had much success with our progressive investigators(teachers). One of them we jus finshed teaching the last of lesson 4 so now we jus wait until the day he is baptized and then we will teach him the topics of lesson 5. The other we jus finshed the 1st lesson and then we finshed teaching him more about the Book of Mormon and we gave him a commitment to read the first chapter of it. Yesterday, was a day I will never forget, we such an inspiring lesson in TRC with a missionary that jus got home from his mission. We were told to jus try to get to know them and ask them what theyre questions and expectations were.The lesson was supposed to be no less than 40 mins. After bearing our testimonies with him I had an impression to ask him if he could bear his testimony with us. Following his testimony the Spirit was definitly there, he had tears in his eyes as did me. One of the most spiritual experiences I have ever had and I will never forget it. Alam ko po na totoo ang Aklat ni Mormon at Biblia. Alam ko po na totoo ang Simbahan ni JesuCristo ng mga Banal sa mga Huling Araw. Alam ko po na perpekto si JesuCristo. Alam ko po na totoo propeta po si Thomas S. Monson at Joesph Smith.
Alam ko po na napakita ang Diyos at si JesuCristo kay Joesph Smith. Nagpapasalamat po ang plano sa pagsisisi at Pagababayad- Sala ni JesuCristo. Nagapapasalamat po ang opportunidad ang misyon at ituro ng tao sa Philippines. Nagpapasalamat po ang pamilya at kayibigan. I love you guys and all you have done keep up the work. MAHAL KITA!!!
                                     Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The threesome companions at Provo Temple

Friends from the ward, Elder Schmid (DR of Congo), Elder Reidhead (Dominican Republic)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hey Kumusta po kayo pamilya? Everything out here is still amazing and we have finally hit the month of September WAHOO!!!! In a couple a weeks I will be able to get out of the states and go to the Philippines. All my teachers that we have had have told all of us so many things that so good about the Philippines and I have had a couple of teachers who actually went to Quezon City and they talked very highly of it. They told us about all the kinds of things in the Philippines that are really awesome one that really struck me was the fact that they have MANGO ICECREAM!!!! and thier mangos are out of this world. Belive it or not I actually have started eating bannanas here at the MTC the apples and oranges are never looking ripe so I never eat them and actually have been able to down multiple bananas at a time. I have had multiple experiences out here one especially dear to me was when we were actually able to ask our progressive investigator(teacher), convert to baptism and we have after been teaching him the Sampung Utos(Ten Commandments) , Salita ng Kanurungan(Word of Wisdom), and Kalinging-Puri(Law of Chasity). We have been able to feel the Spirit so strongly everytime we teach him. We just got a new guro(teacher) and we actually start teaching him today which I am very looking forward too. We plan on teaching him the first lesson and getting to know him very well. All the things that I do here are so amazing you just cant help, but feel the Espiritu Santo(Spirit) all the time. I am really excited to teach the Filipinos, I have been told they are exactly comparable to Tongans and Samoans which really excites me even more, because some of my really good friends are Samoan and Tongan. I have really enjoyed seeing many friends from school around here its awesome. Seeing Christiaan around is a daily basis, its so awesome to see him and the happiness he has for the work. I would really appreciate it if you guys could send me Tanner's and Preston's email addresses I really would like to hear from them and the progress that they are having out in the field since most likely I will be emailing most of my mission. Alam ko po na totoo ang Aklat ni Mormon at Simbahan ni JesuCristo ang mga Banal ng mga Huling Araw. Alam ko po na totoo ang Pagbabayad-Sala po si JesuCristo. Alam ko po na perpekto po si JesuCristo. Nagpapasalamat po ang opportunidad ng misyon at ituro sa tao sa Philippines. Nagpapasalamat po ang pamilya namin. Nagpapasalamat po ang Espiritu Santo sa buhay. Sa pangalin ni JesuCristo Amen. I love you guys and wish you all the best in your endeavors. Dad, I know you will do good in school and will be able to pass and be able to provide for the family. Mom, Im so glad that you got the hours that you did thats a blessing in its self. Addy, work hard in school and dont get senioritis its my biggest regret and dont get married before I get home. Ethan, kick butt in football and in wrestling, work hard and make sure to go over what you can do. Push yourself and always try to impress you coach in everything DONT GIVE UP!!!, and work hard in school as well dont let your studies fall. NG, you work hard in school as well and do more than what you teacher asks of you, and work hard in your sports. I love you guys again and miss you all tons.
                                                       Mahal Kita,
                                                            Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Friday, August 19, 2011

Elder Thompson, The twins Elder McDonald's (Payson,UT), Elder Stallings(Atlanta, GA)
The district at the MTC


Wow I have actually been out here for almost a month wow the time here in the MTC is so wierd. The first two weeks went by so slowly and these last two weeks went by in a flash. I actually got my surgery the day that I was told that I had to get it. It wasnt to bad I was able to go into the real world for two hours and that was totally wierd. Its all better now I jus need to soak it every day day and night for 20 minutes and then scrub it with an iodine sponge its so wierd. We actually got to teach our first Filipino couple in TRC and they were members, but we had to act like they have not heard the gospel before. It was awesome I actually was able to say a prayer and bear my testimony in Tagalog. The language is coming along its one of the most organized languages I have ever seen one word has at least 3 different meanings its ridiculous. The conjugation is the parts that I really understand the most its alot easier to learn than many other parts. We just got a new district and what we did as a zone is we made a goal with everyone that we speak only Tagalog from here on out. By 4 weeks we are supposed to speak only our language and nothing else. The new guys are pretty cool we have alot of polynesians in our zone its awesome. Hey this is Christiaan!! Bonjour!!. Elder Schmid came in and wanted to say hi to you guys in French hahahaahah. Well as I was saying we have 3 missionaries from Samoa, we have 3 from New Zealand, and 1 from Tonga. Its like freaking heaven over here they are all way chill. So anyways jus so you guys know I sent some letters and I do not need anything at the moment, but I appreciate you guys constantly thinking of me. I love it here and I love the companions that I have they are the funnest bunch you could have for your first 2 months of your mission. Im going to bear my testiomony in Tagalog so don't be discuraged. Alam ko po na bibiyayahan ng Diyos ang magbasa sa Aklat ni Mormon. Alam ko po na totoo propeta po si Joseph Smith at Thomas S. Monson. Alam ko po na totoo po ang Aklat ni Mormon. Alam ko po na bibiyayahan ng Diyos magdasal sa Diyos. Nagpapasalamat po ako pamilya. Nagpapasalamat po ng guros at misyoneros. Sa pangalin ni JesuCristo. Amen!!!!
                                                                      Mahal Kita at Salamat Sayo,
                                                                            Elder Jordan Scott Thompson 
                          P.S (Please tell people to send letters I would really appreciate anyone writing to me)

Friday, August 12, 2011

mission week 3!!!!!

Hey Kumusta po kayo pamilya? Its still as awesome as always out here. The food is gettting a lil bland now, but Im just glad that I havent gained any weight while im here I actually lost 5 ibs so its kinda weird. All the things that happen out here are so much fun.  We actually had an opportunity to go and teach someone in whats called TRC. What we do is we go into this building then we go into a seperate room and teach a random person, teacher, or BYU student. Its a blast, because afterward the person you teach will write down things that thought were awesome and things that weren't as good. Me and my companionship actually got a good report on our very first investigator so yea that totally made our day. Well the other stuff is the Tagalog is coming along alot better than I actually thought I would get. Even though its been tough I have perserveared, by doing some pretty great ways to study during personal study.  I go into the hallways and just sit in a chair and study. Where as during language study I go into one of the older missionaries rooms and have them review with me the things that I learned that day and its been a major success so far. I have been able to feel that Spirit out here so strongly everyday especially during Sundays and Tuesdays. Those are the days that we have devotionals from members of the Seventy and the Twelve Apostles and if we are very lucky one of the First Presidency. No twelve or first presidency so far, but Im hoping to get one before I leave the MTC. My branch presidency is so awesome I have been so blessed to have them, they are the best branch presidency you could possibly get. I miss you guys and I constantly pray for you and the whole family. I want you guys to tell Andrew and Indiana when they are able to turn in thier papers to do and leave as qucikly as possible because, this is possibly the greatest decision I ever made. I love it here and would not trade it for anything, this experience has made me grow so much. I have made many friends here thats definitly something to have when I get home. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! :)
                                                                              Salamat Sayo,
                                                                                  Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Friday, August 5, 2011

WEEK 2!!!!!

Hey guys Kumusta po kayo? (how are you) this week so far has been such a great week. I love the MTC its teaching me so much and yet I have only been here for a week and a half. I have had the opportunity to go to the Provo Temple and it was such an awesome experience I actually sat next to a man that knew Sister Coffin I couldnt get his name though. We found out it was her son in law.  My 3 some companionship has been a big help this last week we actually had to teach a progressive investigator only on our 4th day here. We have to teach in all Tagalog it was rough the first time around, but as we learned more Tagalog it became easier and we actually gave her a Book of Mormon and then we asked her to say the prayer with us. The Spirit was totally there cause after that our teacher showed us on the TV in our classroom and she told us from a Computer camera what she felt and what we could have worked on. The investigators we teach are actually teachers that teach Tagalog at the MTC. The Tagalog is coming along better than I actually thought it would have it just takes alot of prayer and study. I actually read a scripture this week that made me think of you guys, it brings joy to my heart every time I read it. Hope everything is goin okay over in the heat. Its constantly in the 80's all day then at night it gets down to the 60's its BEAUTIFUL. I do not miss AZ at all right now, but im really excited to go to the Philippines. Well I finally made contact with Christiaan, one of my companions actually needed to go to the health clinic and when I was there he was there. He tore a tendon in his foot playing basketball. During gym I have developed a love for playing volleyball, because now I am actually able to spike over the net now. I have seen at least 20 people from Mountain View here so that makes me feel alot better. I know that I am out here for a reason and that I am supposed to be in the Philippines. I love this gospel and the many that it brings into my life. I love you guys and miss you dearly. Make sure to tell people on facebook to write me because I love recieving letters they're like Christmas over here so make sure to tell everybody. 
                                                                Salamat Sayo,
                                                                        Elder Jordan Scott Thompson
                                                                            Quezon City, Philippines Mission

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Hey guys thanks for the mail that you guys sent me it was so cool to hear from you guys the MTC is awesome the very first day we walked into the room the teacher completely immersed us in the Tagalog language. Its been a tough language so far but were all gettin the hang of it. I love my companions they are so cool we have a bunch of people from around the world in our district. My companion was Elder Dalisay he was from Honolulu, Hawaii he was really cool he is the first of his family to go he knows already how to speak Tagalog, because he was born in Quezon City, Philippines then moved to Honolulu when he was 2. He is no longer my companion though since he knows the Tagalog language very well our mission president sent him to an English speaking zone to get to know Preach My Gospel more. So jus like Christiaan and Tanner I am now also in a 3 some companionship. My new companions were the other elders that were in the same room as us. Elder McDonald is from Payson, Utah and is a really funny guy and he knows how to play a mean soccer game. He actually has a twin brother who is also in our zone, but is not goin to Quezon City he is headed to Luag. Elder Stallings, my other companion, is from Atlanta, Georgia he is a very funny person and can rap better than any other white guy i know. In our zone we have Elder Sione who is from Wellington, New Zealand, Elder Parker, whos from St. George, Utah, Elder Brown from Highland, Utah, and Elder McDonald's twin brother who is also from Payson, Utah. I love my zone we all get along very well and I am so glad that im with them. I have seen so many people from Mountain View its ridiculous. I have actually made contact with Christiaan and Tanner. Tanner is actually in the same building and same floor as me so I see him alot. On Sunday we are all goin to take a picture and I will send it to you guys as quickly as possible. I know this is where I am supposed to be and that what I do here will reflect on how I do on my mission. I cant be more excited to serve the people in Quezon City, Philippines they are some of the most loving people on this earth. I know this gospel is true and that Jesus Christ really was our Savior and that he really died for us. Thomas S. Monson really is a true prophet and Joseph Smith really did translate the Book of Mormon through the Holy Ghost. I love you guys and I expect to hear from you guys soon.
                                                                                          Salamut ,
                                                                                                Elder Jordan Scott Thompson

Friday, July 1, 2011

Called to Serve!

On April 21st, 2011 I finally got my mission call. We actually knew from the bishop my call had been sent so my mother and my sister were actually waiting and checking  the mailboxes by our house. Our  mailperson was late so my mother walked up to her and asked if she had any big envelopes for our address. She said does the envelope say to Elder Jordan Thompson this caused my mother and sister to go crazy and then she called me at work and said that the call was here. When I got home I couldnt stand not being able to open it until later. My hands just wanted to open that letter and know where I was going for the next 2 years of my life. our house was full of family and friends. We had at least 50 people to hear where I was called. When I was finally able to open my call my dad did the meanest thing and opened it with an envelope opener instead of letting me open it. Then while I was reading it my sister apparently read it over my shoulder before I did and was shocked my mom got a picture of it too she thought I was reading it to slow. I was hoping to be called somewhere where there is islands or some tropical paradise and that was exactly what I got so I was very happy. I was called to the Quezon City Philippines Mission. I report July 27th and I will be speaking in the languuage of Tagalog. I have been preparing for this since I was a child and I knew this is is one of the best decisions I have made and I know I will be blessed for it.