Monday, November 21, 2011

Hey family hows the good old state of AZ it sounds like Christmas is already in the air and that's weird because its also here in the Philippines. Yea they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here which is a bummer, but my zone is actually going to do something we are going to go to Chilis which is like walking distance from our house, so we are all going to go there. I'm so excited for this week I have MTC exchanges again on Wed and I will actually have my own batch of missionaries I can take.I have a new companion, Elder Jiminea all of a sudden just decided that he had to go home, I don't know what it was for, but I know that it didn't happen when I was with him. President actually called me and talked to me about it. So I'm OK though I knew I would have challenges, but I have learned to face them. I actually think I got rewarded for it , because my new companion is awesome. His name is Elder Hopkins, hes from Oregon and is a way good missionary. He has really helped me alot here already. He makes sure that I lead in the lessons, and he really follows the training manual to a T. Its awesome to have had 3 really cool companions already and I'm only in my second transfer. I counted in my 4 months on my mission I have already had 7 companions its ridiculous. I have heard from any of my district back at the MTC, but I'm hoping they are doing OK. So anyways I'm having the time of my life, I have actually been able to find a couple of new investigators, and we have been focusing on less actives coming back to church. One story, me and Elder Hopkins have been visiting a less active that has not been to church for 6 years and just last Sunday we had stake conference and we were actually able to get her and bring her to conference it was such a good experience. She had such a good time, and actually President DeLaMare spoke at conference and it was such a good talk. He spoke on how if you have friends that aren't members talk to them about the gospel, and have the missionaries come with you. The ward we have is so very supportive so you can imagine the work that happens in my area and the other ZL's area. I have so many things that I can be thankful for as well. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to serve the Lord on a mission for 2 years in the Philippines. The greatest mission any person can go. I know that's what everyone says , but its the truth. Wherever you get sent is the greatest place you can go I love it here and there is no other place I would rather be then here. I'm thankful for awesome companions and an awesome zone that are so good in all they do. I'm thankful for the friends that I have made here and I'm really excited for the future that /i will have with working with them. I love my mission president and the example that he sets for all of us and the responsibility he has for all of us. Most of all I'm thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ and his Atonement, I'm thankful for Joesph Smith and his example he set and I know he brought the Book of Mormon to earth and restored this gospel to the earth. Holy cow is everyone in my family getting married geez its ridiculous I swear just yesterday I was playing in Grandmas trampoline with them and now this HOLY COWWWW!!! I can already tell Kortney and Addy (maybe) will be married before I get home I can see it. I can already tell that you guys are praying for me and I know that the Lord has blessed me daily because of it. I love you guys and good luck in all you guys do. Don't get discouraged from the little things that happen in your life because I know that they are there for to make you a better person. So always remember that and everything else will be alright. I love you guys and all the love you show to me.

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