Monday, July 9, 2012

Hello Der Wonderful Mother of Mine!!,

 So yea this week was also an amazing week learning a lot of new things constantly because of the fact that I'm one of Elder McCoy's first 3 companions. Really trying my hardest to be an example to him, really do want to leave an impact on all of my companions. Hes really great though really like working with him have alot of good things we are able to do as we visit people here in this area. The area is really great here I love it in this ward they are a really great ward kinda like my last area's ward. If I know anything about myself I could love it if  you don't spend alot of money to send me stuff. I'm good on the clothes even though most of my clothes are freaking ginormous on me now every shirt that I have really makes me look like I'm fat, but then when I kind of pull it a lil then it really is all just the shirt not me hahahaah!!! So many people have said "Grabe mataba ka na!!!" Wow your fat in English hahahaah then pull the shirt then their like oh Shoot!! ITS JUST THE SHIRT!!! So also we are having some great experiences in this area so yea I'm pretty happy for now!!!

   So if you guys want to know a lil bit more about the area i will tell you of some great experiences I have had in this area plus some funny ones if you want? Ill tell you anyway!! So first one really cool thing is we are actually teaching a family where the mom is a member, the dad is also a member, but the sister of the mom is living with them not a member, in short its a great family and honestly they have probably the smallest house I have ever been in on my mission probably no bigger than my room maybe and they have 4 people living in there plus when we visit so were pretty much squishing 6 people in a very small room talaga, but I love teaching them even though its really blazing hot in their house this week it has been nothing but rain, maybe for 3 days straight it has been raining shoot its stinking raining right now!! I love when its raining, but when it ends it freaking is so hot right after it add that humidity wahoo its amazing. I love the Muyano family they are a really great family and have been coming to church for 2 weeks straight now WAHOO!!! I LOVE LIFE!!!

 So also had a very funny experience yesterday after we went to church!! So me and Elder McCoy were actually on our way to a family home evening which is actually in the house above our house yes we are living with members \, but they are our landlord and they gave us a separate house for us its a nice house by the way actually has AC and actually a working shower head sadly though we don't use either the shower head is broke and the AC is just too expensive to use so yea that really stinks hahahaah!!we have it but cant use it hahahaha. I love it here though so onto the funny experience. So this week I had a very funny experience with some little kids while me and Elder McCoy were walking to the FHE some people said hi to us so we started talking to them, then started walking away then I feel a huge thing hit the side of my head then see that it was a rock, hahaha this little kid started chucking rocks at me luckily only one hit my head it hurt, but i didn't hurt cause I was laughing so freaking hard. So yea I got stoned this week if would want to call. Gotta love the Philippines!!! Also love walking around in deep sewage it feels so good hahahaha this area gets very flooded easily especially when it rains as much as it has this week. Gotta love it!!! Really like Elder McCoy he's really trying hard to be the best that he can and I'm trying my hardest to help him do his best trying to be the best senior companion I can be for him. Tell ED happy birthday ha? This area is great lots of good investigators, but we need to find even more some of them are not progressing so we are gonna see what we can do this week to build this area, its a great area. Its just like all of my other mga areas sa Quezon City alot of squatters or the really poor areas, if only you guys could see what these things are like don't really like going into them at night, but when all you have is squatters it really isn't much else you can do. Its very scary in them with the fact that there is no light or maybe just a lil bit of it, but I still love it the people are so willing to listen to us and the great thing about it is that our church is so close to our area I love it!!!

 So yea I love it here in my new area of Quezon City 1st Ward not much else is going on other than I love life and that's all I really have to tell you. A mission is amazing I have learned so much from it its been a great influence on my life so far and I'm sure it will continue to be I love you and MAHAL KO KAYO LAHAT!!

Mahal kita,
 Elder Thompson

Elder Thompson with new comp Elder McCoy

Loved eating clams for first time!!

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